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Article does not have an imageLink to article: Frequently Asked IMPORT Questions by TE scholarship applicants

Frequently Asked IMPORT Questions by TE scholarship applicants

Tuition Exchange Imports FAQ   1. What is Tuition Exchange?         Tuition Exchange is a member-based scholarship opportunity, NOT an employee benefit. Each member institution has EXPORT guidelines and IMPORT guidelines. 2.  Who is eligible for Tuition Exchange scholarships?         Your dependent family member is eligible to apply for TE scholarships, . . .

Article does not have an imageLink to article: Application Status Reminders!!!

Application Status Reminders!!!

If you are having trouble accessing the application, contact your EXPORT TELO .  Do not contact Tuition Exchange Central.  TE Central cannot confirm the relationship between the student and the parent.  TE Central does not respond to this request.  Import schools are reviewing new student applications and making decisions. When the IMPORT school updates the student's TE application the student and the parent receive an email - provided valid emails are present. The required information to access the . . .

Article does not have an imageLink to article: FREQUENTLY ASKED EXPORT QUESTIONS from families


Tuition Exchange Export Families FAQ A paper copy can be accessed by clicking here What is Tuition Exchange? Tuition Exchange is a member-based scholarship opportunity. It is NOT an employee benefit. Each member institution has EXPORT and IMPORT guidelines.   Who is eligible for a tuition exchange scholarship? The student must ask the TE Liaison Officer. If you are unsure who your TE Liaison Officer is  click here. . . .

Article does not have an imageLink to article: Continuing Tuition Exchange Scholars' Application Status

Continuing Tuition Exchange Scholars' Application Status

Current Tuition Exchange Scholarship recipients who are continuing at the same institution do not need to re-submit the TE EZ-Application each year.  Continuing students must check with the EXPORT school to determine if additional paperwork is required.  A new TE EZ-Application should only be submitted if   your student is considering transferring to a new Tuition Exchange school.  Students who wish to transfer are not able to transfer their current TE scholarship to the new school.  Instead, they . . .

Article does not have an imageLink to article: I accepted a job at another TE school and need to "move" my TE scholarship...

I accepted a job at another TE school and need to "move" my TE scholarship...

When employees accept a job at another TE institution, the former employer will update the student's TE scholarship expiration date to the end of the current term/semester. A notification is shared with the Import school and the student's TE scholarship is no longer valid beyond the current enrollment period. The EMPLOYEE needs to work with the new employer to ensure eligibility criteria are understood by the new employee. Not all schools provide immediate eligibility to new employees. If the employee is eligible for a . . .

Article does not have an imageLink to article: How to Check the Status of My TE EZ-Application

How to Check the Status of My TE EZ-Application

Curious about the status of your NEW TE EZ-Application? Wondering if your Export school approved it for consideration by the Import schools you are seeking Tuition Exchange at? Wondering if any Import schools have made a decision on your TE EZ-Application? Check your TE application status at any time by logging into your TE EZ-Application account using the email address and password you used to create your account. Unsure of your password? Simply click "Forgot Password" and a temporary password will be emailed . . .

Article does not have an imageLink to article: FREQUENTLY ASKED IMPORT QUESTIONS from families


Tuition Exchange Imports FAQ   What is Tuition Exchange? Tuition Exchange is a member-based scholarship opportunity; it is NOT an employee benefit.  Each member institution has EXPORT guidelines and IMPORT guidelines.    Who is eligible for Tuition Exchange scholarships? Your family member is eligible to apply for TE scholarships provided the employee meets the eligibility guidelines set forth by the college.  Ask your . . .

Link to article: Tuition Exchange goes mobile

Tuition Exchange goes mobile

There is an APP for that... Tuition Exchange, Inc understands families and students want to know the status of their TE scholarship application on the go.   The Tuition Exchange app is available in the Google Play Store and Apple App Store for download, t o assist families in tracking their eligible dependents TE scholarship application and its status.   Once downloaded, the app is active on your smartphone, smartwatch, tech-enhanced glasses, . . .

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Federal IRS Tax laws 12-22-17 law overview

The House and Senate passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.  President Trump signed the bill 12.22.2017.  While initially there was angst for higher education, the final version experienced many revisions.  Below outline the positive outcomes.  1.  The bill retains tax-exempt tuition opportunities for employee dependents, including the spouse. 2.  Graduate student tuition waivers will not be subject to tax.  3.  Employer-provided tuition assistance will not be . . .

Article does not have an imageLink to article: Structured Learning Opportunities available at TE schools

Structured Learning Opportunities available at TE schools

Thirty-six Tuition Exchange schools offer structured learning opportunities for students The 36 Tuition Exchange institutions listed below offer "Structured Programs" for students with learning differences. The resource for this list comes from The Princeton Review "The K&W Guide to Colleges for Students with Learning Differences" 15th edition. The guide is available for purchase on Amazon or Princetonreview.com/press. You should also check with your student's high school guidance . . .

Article does not have an imageLink to article: I am thinking about applying for employment at a TE school...

I am thinking about applying for employment at a TE school...

If you are considering applying at a TE school to receive TE opportunities for your dependents OR switching jobs to another TE school, please understand there are often eligibility requirements.  These requirements can include years of service, and in some cases, the type of employment you are seeking makes a difference.  For example, adjunct faculty generally do not qualify.  Schools often contract food service, physical plant services, and even HR services.  In these cases, the employee is not considered an . . .

Link to article: College Search Tips

College Search Tips

Finding the right college fit can feel overwhelming.  Having a roadmap is essential, but before developing the map, you need to know a few things about where you want to land.  The following websites should prove helpful!  Our list is by no means a complete listing, but the ones that TE Central feels are valuable. Tuition Exchange is a member-based scholarship opportunity, NOT an employee benefit.  Each member institution has EXPORT guidelines and IMPORT guidelines. The College Navigator is . . .

Article does not have an imageLink to article: Family TE Import and Export Checklist

Family TE Import and Export Checklist

Attention potential TE scholars!  Do you need a checklist to help you navigate the Export and Import process?  It is important that families begin the TE scholarship process with the dependent's  Tuition Exchange Liaison Officer.  Don't know who your TE Liaison Officer is? Click here for an up-to-date listing.  You need to make formal application for admission to the school(s) you are most interested in attending.  Be sure to notify the schools where you apply that you are a potential TE . . .

Article does not have an imageLink to article: Tax Benefits for Families

Tax Benefits for Families

Tax Breaks for Higher Education Currently there are a number of tax incentives that can help defray the cost of higher education. These incentives come in a couple of forms: Tax Credits , directly reduce the amount of tax you are liable for; and Tax Deductions , reduce the amount of income on which you pay taxes. Check out the IRS Website at www.irs.gov and use the key word search Education Tax Credits.  The IRS Publication 970 is an informational overview of the higher education tax incentives.  To . . .

Article does not have an imageLink to article: Who is eligible for Tuition Exchange?

Who is eligible for Tuition Exchange?

If you find yourself no longer employed by the school, you are typically no longer eligible for the exchange scholarship.  If in doubt, contact your Tuition Exchange Liaison Officer at the school where you were employed. If you or an immediate family is an employee of an eligible TE school please visit with your TE Liaison Officer   To find out who your TE Liaison Officer is,  Click here   Your TE Liaison Officer is the best place for EXPORT information.   If you are considering applying at a TE . . .