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Suggested Tuition Exchange guidelines - FOR ACTIVE TELOS ONLY



Click here to access a word document version of the suggested Tuition Exchange Student Eligibility Guidelines.



Tuition Exchange Student Eligibility Guidelines for _______(institution)__________________________


TUITION EXCHANGE Liaison Officer (s):

____(name works with exports in Human Resources)__________________

____(name works with imports in Enrollment Management)____________



Email: ________________________@________________.edu 

(TE Central suggests creating a generic email like TEOfficer@_____________.edu)

Office phone number(s) (_____) _____ - ____________

Office Address(es)_________________________________________________

Office hours:  ___________________________________

The name of school retains the right to modify, change or revise these guidelines. Current TE recipients – imports and exports shall be notified of any changes.

Tuition Exchange is an exchange program that __(institution)_______________ belongs to and, as such, can offer additional educational opportunities to our employees. There is no guarantee that your dependent will be able to utilize the program. Tuition Exchange is a scholarship program and is not an employee benefit.


Import application details:

  1. Any TE import applicant wishing to be fully considered for a TE award must complete the admission process and be fully admitted before any official TE award is offered.
  2. Only import applications from prospective, first-time students are considered.
    1. First time import transfer students to ___________________are eligible (not eligible) to apply
    2. Current _________________________students are eligible (not eligible) to apply for import consideration.
  3. TE Import awards are available to:
    1. Students:
      1. Any imported student – regardless of program, study, class standing, or enrollment status
      2. Any imported degree-seeking undergraduate
        1. Undergraduates who are enrolled less than full-time.
        2. Full time is defined as________________________
        3. Degree-seeking means a fully admitted student seeking a bachelor's degree.
        4. On-line programs
        5. Certificate programs
      3. Undergraduates enrolled full-time on the main campus only.
        1. The main campus is defined as:
        2. Or another campus:
      4. Any import degree-seeking graduate or professional student
        1. Graduate or professional students are defined as:

The employee and spouse/domestic partner, or _____________________________________

        1. Degree-seeking means:
      1. Graduate or professional students who are enrolled less than full time
        1. Full-time is defined as:
      2. Graduates enrolled full-time on the main campus only
        1. The main campus is defined as:
        2. Or another campus:
      3. Any imported student who is fully admissible to the university or colleges within the university


  1. TE application process and timeline:
    1. Request the Export school TUITION EXCHANGE Liaison Officer (TELO) approve the TE-EZ app to__________________.
    2. TUITION EXCHANGE priority date to receive import TE applications is __________________.
      1. Priority date means those import applications with completed Admissions applications and TE applications are provided first consideration. Import TE applications received after this date will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis providing TE spots remain available.
      2. ______________________________ reserves the right to limit the number of TE import award offers in any given year.
      3. In the case of a GAP year (defined as not enrolling at another post-secondary institution during the entire GAP year), _________________________ is the last receipt date for any TE import application to be considered.
        1. _______________________ will (will not) hold a spot for a TE import awarded student (clarify how long you will hold the spot (i.e., one academic year). (If not, add process expectations here.)
      4. First-time TE import recipients meeting the priority date are notified no later than _______ (March 15). The TE award will be a part of the student's financial aid notification.
      5. First-time __________(March 15) TE import recipients have until MAY 1 to accept or decline the TE award.
        1. New students are expected to submit the Admissions Deposit. The Admissions Deposit must be received by May 1 for the TE award to be considered firm.
        2. If offered a TE award later, the student is offered two weeks to accept or decline, and the Admissions Deposit must be received with the acceptance notification.
      6. The EXPORT school is responsible for confirming (recertifying) current TE scholars continued Export eligibility.
        1. Once spring grades are released – confirmation will be a part of the financial aid award notification for continuing the TE award.
        2. If no, confirm with the Exporting school that the application was re-certified. If yes, check with the TELO at your Importing (attending) school.
          1. Common issues include: the student did not register for the following semester's classes; a loss of academic eligibility; failure to complete the required application process, has utilized the maximum number of eligible semesters.
  2.  Student eligibility First undergraduate degree full-time attendance: 8 semesters or graduation, whichever is first; first undergraduate degree part-time attendance is an option.  _Yes___ or No.___. (Please note the Import school will be responsible for monitoring part-time usage in conjunction with the Export school), or semesters or graduation, whichever is first, 
    1. Graduate/professional students, four (4) semesters or graduation, whichever is first.
    2. Graduate/professional students part-time, ___Semesters or graduation, whichever is first,
    3. Enrollment in dissertation hours, fellowship, or internships hours are not TE eligible

*Enrolling less than full-time in any semester or term (including summer or interterm/January term) counts as a semester. Pro-ration is not an option.

  1. TE SUGGESTED CONSIDERATION. Undergraduate TE Import awarded students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid in their initial year. (FAFSA)
    1. For import students residing on campus, any qualifying federal Pell Grant dollars will be available to help pay for costs beyond tuition.
    2. Any qualifying federal Pell Grant dollars for import students residing off-campus will be deducted from the TE award.
    3. _____________ State statute requires state grant dollars to be applied to tuition and counted as part of the Tuition Exchange scholarship award
    4. If the family does not qualify for federal Pell or State grant dollars in the initial year, there is no requirement for the family to make subsequent FAFSA applications.
    5. Graduate students are not required to complete the FAFSA.
    6. If the import student does qualify, the student and family must continue to complete the annual FAFSA application.
      1. Should the FAFSA application not be received at the time of the award notification, the TE import award may be reduced by the annual maximum federal Pell grant and maximum state grant allowable.
    7. Questions regarding the financial aid application process should be directed to the Financial Aid Office.
    8. Any institutional grant/scholarship funding awarded to the student is a part of the total Tuition Exchange award (or _____amount of institutional funding is separate, an add-on, to the TES award
    9. TE import-awarded students are required to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress as defined by the college. Refer to the college catalog for specific information regarding Satisfactory Academic Progress standards. In addition, student must maintain minimum ________ GPA.
    10. TE import award recipients are encouraged to apply for outside scholarships. These dollars are available to help the student and family pay for college costs beyond tuition
    11. _________________________________ reserves the right to review this statement in the case of a student garnering funds in excess of the annual Cost of Attendance. For additional information, contact the Financial Aid Office.
    12. A TE import award at _______________________________ carries a value of full tuition or (Tuition Exchange annually established Set Rate) less any federal and/or state dollars (as noted in items 2 and 3 above) and/or institutional grant/scholarship
      1. The value of the annual imported TE award is adjusted annually. (Except in the case where the university freezes tuition for students in previously identified situations.)
    13.  All TE scholars must live on campus to receive the TE scholarship.
    14. ______________________________ provides TE import students with a free double room credit. This double room credit is available when the TE import resides in ___________________ residence hall. If the student prefers a single room, the room credit covers the cost of a double room. The student is responsible for any additional housing costs above ________________ per semester/year, including the annual room deposit.
      1. Students residing on campus must select an on-campus dining option. The room credit covers only the cost of a double room.
    15. Each successful import is charged a fee of _____________ annually. This fee helps cover the program administration costs. The student will be notified at the time of the TES award of the amount of this fee charge against the TES award amount.


Students wishing to attend a school other than _____________________________________, are encouraged to review the Tuition Exchange website. www.tuitionexchange.org. The family section provides the names of all TE member schools and general program information. The scholar must be familiar with the Import school deadlines and any other TE-specific requirements.


Export application details:

Any TE export applicant wishing to be considered for TE export consideration must complete the TE-EZ app. The application is available online at: www.tuitionexchange.org.

  1. Export eligibility:  the individual seeking to be exported must be a dependent of the _______________________ employee. The term legally dependent child shall be limited to children claimed on the employee's most recent federal income tax return or named to receive support for education in a legal separation agreement or divorce decree issued by the court.
  2. The employee must be full-time and have completed _____ months/years of continuous service. (Service from previous higher education institution ___is ___ is not counted).
    1. Part-time staff, temporary or on-call staff, adjunct or visiting faculty members ___are ___are not eligible for TE award consideration for dependents as defined in 1 above.
  3. In the case of retirement, reduction in force/layoff, disabled, deceased employee (parent), or other mitigating circumstances regarding TE eligibility, should contact the TE Liaison Officer regarding export eligibility (all of these categories can be listed separately and indicate whether TES export eligibility is available or not versus getting the TELO).
  4. Former employee separation agreements may allow TE eligibility.
  5. ____________________________ will export only one dependent per family over the course of a four-year period. It is the responsibility of the family to determine which dependent will be selected as the Import in advance of making the original TE application.

a. Do not ask the school to submit multiple family applications to see which one is selected.

b. In the case of both parent's employed by ___________________________. It is still one export per family.

c. ______________________ will allow more than one export per family over the course of a four-year period.

              6. export eligibility includes _________employee _________ employee’s

        spouse _______employee’s recognized domestic partner

  7. First-year, first-time students will be given first consideration.

  8. If a continuing student wishes to be exported, confirm with the attending (importing) school that a continuing student is eligible for TE.

  9. Transfer students will be considered only in the case of remaining unfilled spots. Again, it is essential to check with the attending (importing) school to confirm they will consider a transfer student eligible for TE.


Export Eligibility details:

Tuition Exchange, Inc reviews all members' five-year average balance of Exports and Imports. Members are allowed unlimited export applicant approvals for TES consideration at other member institutions and are required to offer no less than three annual new import TES.


All employees will be notified no later than_(date)___________________ that it is time to apply for TES consideration for the following academic year.

  1. The recommended priority date to apply for Tuition Exchange consideration is ______________.
    1. If you miss this date, export applications will still be approved, but the student may not be considered for a TES at the importing school due to a limited number of awards being offered.
    2. Some import schools can award on a first-come, first-served basis for newly admitted students.
  2. In order for a TE scholar to be renewed for subsequent years (up to a maximum of 8 semesters or graduation, whichever is first) ______________________________ will confirm the employed parent has maintained employment eligibility at the conclusion of each grading period.
    1. Should the parent leave _____________________________________ employment, the Import school will be notified that the student is no longer eligible at the conclusion of the term in which the employee separates.
    2. In the case of both parents working for ___________________________, provided the other parent is eligible (see item 2 in the Export application details section) the TE awarded student will retain their eligibility.
    3. In mitigating employment circumstances, the employee must visit their supervisor directly for the next steps.
  3. TE Award eligibility is a two-way street. In addition to maintaining eligibility for Export, the student is responsible for maintaining academic progress and positive social deportment at the Importing school. Generally, this information is available in the college catalog or student handbook of the Importing school.
    1. Students who lose TE eligibility due to failure to maintain, as stated above, may not be considered for future export consideration to either the same school or a new school.
  4. In the case of a student transferring schools, _______________________________ will continue to support the TE awarded student for a maximum of 8 semester or graduation, whichever is first; however, the TE school where the student is transferring has the right to refuse the Import request.
  5. In the case of a student withdrawing from the educational program - _________________________ will consider continued Export support on a case-by-case review. Please visit with ___________________________________ (TELO) for specific requirements in this situation.
  6. ____________________________ will confirm with each employee mid-October and again mid-February the Exported student is still enrolled at the school of Import record. The parent must respond timely.
  7. Each successful Export is charged a fee of _____________ annually. This fee helps cover the program administration fees. The employee will be notified in advance of a one-time annual payroll deduction in October OR pay the fee directly to the exporting school.
  8. ______________________________ will make available to all employees an annual report regarding TE award utilization for the most recent five-year period. This report is kept on file in the ___________________________ office and is available for your review upon request. The information does not reflect names and schools.
  9. Mitigating circumstances are reviewed case-by-case, and the decision is final and non-appealable.