TE Central has received numerous emails from parents seeking information regarding the following issues:
May 1 acceptance deadline.
Families express concern over schools' pressure on Tuition Exchange (TE) students to accept and deposit sooner than May 1. TE member institutions that are also members of the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) are reminded of the following excerpts from NACAC's Guide to Ethical Practice in College Admission (September 2020):
Section II. The Responsible Practice of College Admission
A. Admission Cycle Dates, Deadlines, and Procedures for First-Time Fall Entry Undergraduates
Recommended dates and deadlines
National Candidates Reply Date: Colleges should use the widely recognized as the earliest enrollment confirmation deadline. Before being asked to make an enrollment decision and commit to an institution, students should have time to hear from each school that admitted them and receive notice of offers of financial aid and scholarships; and admission to honors and other special programs.
Members are encouraged to work with other campus offices, such as academic departments, housing, and financial aid to create a consistent deadline that does not require students to commit or accept an offer before May 1.
Binding Early Decision plans and recipients of athletic scholarships are recognized exceptions to this recommendation.
Offers of admission should state if the deposit is refundable or non-refundable.
Notification of TE scholarships and financial aid offers: Students should not be required to submit an enrollment confirmation until the institution has notified them of all financial aid offers and scholarships.
TE Central has heard from students and their families who have been offered TE Scholarships and expects a response before May 1. NACAC recognizes the TE scholarship as an institutionally administered and funded institutional financial aid. TE Central does not dictate how TE member institutions administer their admission, financial aid, and TE programs. However, we remind all NACAC TE member schools that TE institutions administer their programs and follow the NACAC's Guide as stated above. The language says "should" rather than shall/will allow students until May 1 to accept an offer of admission and financial aid hope that your institution adheres to the ethical practices provided by NACAC.
TE Central understands the challenge of predicting financial aid and TE Scholarship today. Making more offers earlier is commonplace now, realizing there are no potential penalties when a TE member institution's export/import is out of balance. TE eliminated the balance sheet requirement effective November 1, 2020.
TE Central understands the desire to confirm enrollment from students you can offer students on your TE waitlist. Nothing prohibits communication with students to determine the likelihood of enrollment. However, accepted students should be given appropriate time to decide where to attend college. The student should not be required to determine sooner than the widely recognized accepted candidates' reply date of May 1.
Extending the TE Application process
Tuition Exchange Central surveys all school members seeking information about TE scholarship opportunities beyond May 1. The survey results will be posted on the front page of the TE website. We also push the updated list to all who sign-up for the TE app.
The APP is available in the Apple Store or Google Play Store, depending on the device you use most. Please encourage your families to download the app.
An important reminder for Parents
Family Education Rights to Privacy Act (FERPA) rules apply. Parents usually will not obtain financial or academic information about their college students. FERPA is unforgiving. TE member schools must uphold this necessary Federal regulation. All schools are required to publish their FERPA guidelines. Parents are urged to review the Import Schools college catalog or student handbook for specific information.
Schools continue to do their daily work, including approving and denying TE scholarships. Every TE scholarship application action creates an email notification. The purpose of the updates is a status update. Please review the email carefully.
First-time TE applicants, the student can monitor application changes on our website, Family section, then select application status. The information required for access is entered on the application by the family or your employer, the four-digit code (TE ID), the student's birth date, and the student's email. Due to the nature of the information, TE Central does not provide families with the information or program guidance. Contact your EXPORT (employer) TE Liaison Officer should you experience issues asking for a copy of the student's TE-EZ application to be emailed to the student.
Unlike first-time TE scholarship announcements, continuing student awards are based on the parent/spouse/partner's continued eligibility with the employer AND the student's academic success. There is no need to complete a new TE application for the continuing student. Continuing students who plan to return to the same school can also monitor their application status. Grades are reviewed after the close of the spring semester/term.
Continuing students have two statuses. New and approved. For the continuing student, NEW means the Export (employer) has confirmed the employee eligibility, and APPROVED means the Import (attending school) has funded the student for the following academic year.
Should an employee quit her job at any time before or during the academic year begins, the status of NEW and APPROVED should be updated based on the guidelines of the EXPORT (employer) school. Every member school should have information for all EXPORT employees sharing what happens if they quit.
TE scholarships are non-transferable. If the student transfers to another TE school, this means a new TE application. There are no guarantees with the TE scholarship. Please be sure to visit first with the EXPORT (employer) school to confirm a new request is possible. If yes, complete the TE EZ-app listing ONLY for the new school(s). The Import (attending) school then decides based on the student's transfer academic record, not the student's high school records.