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TE April, 2015 Newsletter

April, 2015 TELO Newsletter

Welcome to spring!  I hope that your snow is finally melting and you are able to enjoy time outside. 

As I am sure you are aware, the Tuition Exchange Liaison Officer (TELO) portal has gone through a variety of updates, changes, revisions, and additions.  Our March 26 webinar focused on the revised portal.  TE records our training webinars and posts the unedited recording inside the TELO Only Resource portal.  You can find any 2014-15 training webinars, handouts and supporting documentation inside the 2014-15 Training folder. 

The updated portal is working well overall.  We recognize that there may be a few glitches.  IT especially appreciates knowing the web tracks, aka breadcrumbs, across the top in the address bar and any error codes you receive.  Please be sure to take a screen shot of glitches you encounter.  Please forward these issues to Jdodson@tuitionexchange.org

We have updated the application submission page since our March training.  So that email communication can be sent to parents and students, both new and continuing, we are requiring the EXPORTING school to enter these emails.  If you don’t have up-to-date email addresses – I suggest you use the parent’s work email address as both address.  Once you close this screen, you will see a notice on the next screen that emails were sent to the parent and student. 

Originally we updated the system to notify families regarding rejects, waitlisted students, etc.  Several TELO’s indicated that this was not a good idea since the TE had not yet updated the student/family.  This is something that I believe can prove helpful.  However, we need to work on the email language and timing.  So for now, this piece of the re-write is turned-off. 

The April TE webinar focus will be Export/Import 3 (E/I 3) and Double Credit 3 (DC 3).  Your personal invitation will be sent next week.  In the meantime you may use the link below to register.

Register now!


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

TE Central continues to receive phone calls from parents who believe they qualify for TE benefits but don’t know who to call.  Please take a few minutes to create a quick email to all employees that YOU are the person with TE knowledge on your campus.  TE Central is happy to visit with families – but as our information is not specific to your campus or the family member ask questions so specific, TE Central needs to point them back to you, it makes sense that you keep them in the know.  TE Central provides email contact information only.

Hopefully you are aware that an updated family TE brochure is available to you for distribution to your interested families.  An order form is available online inside the Liaison Officer tab (middle bucket on the website); select TELO and then click on TE Materials Order form.  Orders are filled weekly and mailed via USPS priority mail. 

Please review your Annual Report to confirm before the end of the year that all students are reported correctly.  If you are an E/I 3 school, you need to select up to three (3) E/I 3 students for the 2014-15 year. 

Make sure to review inside the TELO portal the Dues and Fees Invoices section to confirm all is paid and up-to-date.  As a reminder if you see a paid date on the Membership Dues sheet – all is good.  If you see a balance due of 0 on the Participation Fees Statement – all is good.  If you have questions – please contact Kristine Lev directly at klev@tuitionexchange.org

Prior to unveiling the new TELO portal, TE Central added the DC 3 students listed in the “old” system to the “new” system.  When reviewing your Annual Report, please look at the DC 3 students to confirm their accuracy.

If you have NOT recertified returning students for 2015-16 NOW is the time.  Financial Aid needs the information to re-award students for next year.  Families are getting anxious about next year’s educational funding and financing.  Please make this review a priority.

May 1 is National Decision Day.  Like last year, TE Central will provide on the front page of the website a listing of all schools with TE openings for the 2015-16 year.  Early next week additional information and a sign-up form will be emailed to all TELO’s.  Please take time to review this option and share with your Enrollment Management/Admissions team.

On March 5, TE Central sent to 96 schools that participated in our Seat Available service in 2014-15 a survey monkey survey.  Thank you to the 32 TE member schools who have already responded.  On April 2, a reminder was sent to those who have not yet responded.  PLEASE take three minutes to complete the survey so that we are able to share with the TE Board of Directors your comments.  We appreciate your feedback.

Tuition Exchange continues to welcome new members to our membership roll.  Be sure to check out the front page bottom right of the website for our newest members.  We appreciate your support of new members and welcome the new members to our TE family.

Thank you for your patience as we unveiled and continue to tweak the new TELO portal.  Please share any additional update suggestions with Janet (jdodson@tuitionexchange.org).  TE Central wants the portal to be friendly and helpful. 

Enjoy the April showers because the showers will bring us beautiful May flowers.

Take care! 

Janet Dodson

