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Instructions for the Online Forms


Scholarship Certification & Application Form - Complete one for each new student.
  • Fill in student name -
    • We suggest you use the student's full first name to avoid confusing
  • Fill in Social Security Number
    • You are welcome to use any 4 digits you wish, it does not have to be the student's ssn
  • Student e-mail - not a required field, for your information
  • Telephone number- for your information
  • Permanent Address- first two lines are required
  • Parent/Guardian Name- for your information
  • Parent e-mail - not a required field, for your information
    • However, very useful when tracking down errant students.
  • Academic Year Use dates for the maximum number of years you will sponsor the student
    • This must be represented in numbers only.
    • For example: 2013-2017 (four years)
  • Total number of semesters
    • This represents the maximum number of semesters the individual student is eligible to receive. 
    • For example 8 semesters would be for 4 years.
  • Application Status
    • Use the pull down box
  • Class
    • Use the pull down box
  • Applying To
  • Use pull down box to access the complete list of schools.
    • Please note if a student selects more than one or two schools you should hold down CTRL key to highlight and select and then move on to the next school to add all schools at once rather than creating individual student records for each school choice. 
  • SUBMIT - You must select submit as this sends the application/certification to the selected school(s)
Scholarship Re-certification of Eligibility

These students are already in your program and on your Annual Report.  Sometime during the academic year, you will complete/submit to importing school just to show that the student (parent) is still in good standing and may continue on TE for the next year.

You can move current students to the next year's file any time after you complete your Annual Report. 

To do this -

  • Open up your annual report
  • For each eligible student click on the SUBMIT button
    • The button does not change color
  • This action moves the student to the following years program
    • If you discover the student should not receive TE next year, update the expiration date for the current year and in next year's annual report change both the IMPORT and EXPORT school to NOT ENROLLED.
    • You are no able to delete duplicate records but if you contact Janet Dodson at jdodson@tuitionexchange.org with the student's name, the 4 digit number (SSN or school assigned) and the import school she will delete the duplicate record.


Withdrawal/Leave of Absence/Loss of Eligibility - may be filled out by either exporting or importing school.
  • Provide the student's full name as recorded in the TE system
  • Fill in Student 4 digit ID number (SSN or school assignmed)
  • Address- first two lines are required
  • Expiration date
    • Typically 9-1-XX, 1-1-XX or 6-1-XX
  • Reason- Use pull down box
  • Exporting Inst- Use pull down box
  • Importing Inst- Use pull down box
  • Comments- Use for explanation of situation
  • Submit
  • Certifications for Review 
    • IMPORTS: This is a  list of students who are applying to your institution for TE.
    • Share these names with your Admissions or Enrollment Management Team.
    • Names  remain until action is applied by you as appropriate.
    • Once the action is applied, the decision (accepted, rejected or no action taken yet) is indicated beside the student's name.
  • Certifications for Review
    • EXPORTS: List of export names you have submitted to other schools .
    • Once action is taken by the importing school, the student's name will move to another category (accepted, rejected).
    • Note: If a student has applied to several schools, the student name will appear for each school he has applied.
    • For example: Joe Smith applied to 2 schools - his name appears twice
    • Once the school(s) make their decisions, the application will move to accepted or rejected depending on the school's decision.
  • Renewal Certifications: Recertification of students who are already in your TE program (imports)
    • the exporting school is informing you that the student is eligible to return for the next year.
    • The importing school needs to take action on these names by approving them for the next year.  
    • Be sure to confirm that the student is still eligible by confirming the parent/spouse/student remains an eligibile employee.
    • If "no" e-mail the exporting liaison officer with an explanation.
  •  Withdrawal/Leave of Absence Certifications:
    • This is an electronic notification sent to you from the Importing/Exporting school that a student will be leaving the TE program and why.
    • The student's name should be removed from both school lists at the appropriate time.
    • Either school can make the deletion as long as both school know that the student has left or is leaving the program.
Recertification of students who are already on your TE program - to let you know from the exporting school that the student is eligible to return for the next year. You will take action on these names (approving them for the next year).
A notification to you that a student will be leaving the TE program.