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TE at a glance

Tuition Exchange

Tuition Exchange (TE) is a reciprocal scholarship opportunity for the dependents of eligible faculty and staff at all Tuition Exchange member schools.   

The list of TE member schools is current and provides the contact email for every TE Liaison Officer (TELO).  TE Central does not provide any additional contact details.  

TE is available to eligible employees at member schools.  Eligible employees are defined by the employee’s school.  Tuition Exchange is not an employee benefit nor is it a guaranteed scholarship opportunity.  

The Export school defines the beneficiary dependent.  Dependents can include the employee, spouse, partner, and children of the employee. Check with the parent's Export employer. Generally, this information is found in your Employee or Faculty Handbook.

TE can be a competitive award process.  Applicants need to inquire about individual TE application dates and procedures at the Export and all Import schools where the student is considering applying to and potentially enrolling in the fall.

The value of the TE scholarship is tuition or the annual set rate.  Be aware that TE funding may include federal and state grant dollars, and any institutional scholarships, and merit or need-based institutional grants.

Each TE school appoints a Tuition Exchange Liaison Officer.  EXPORT TE Liaison Officer’s are responsible for confirming qualified employees.  Tuition Exchange offers an online application process.  Before completing the online application, be sure to check with the Export TE Liaison Officer for the TE application process.  

Students complete one TE- EZ online application and can list up to 10 schools. To add additional schools after submitting the initial TE-EZ online application, a new TE-EZ online application is required. 

Students wishing to eliminate schools from consideration should contact the EXPORT TELO asking that the school be withdrawn from consideration 

TE Import applications and the individual school admission application must coordinate. TE applications are not considered without a matching admission application. 

Applicants need to check with all Import schools for any additional requirements.  Requirements can include filing the FAFSA annually, maintaining minimum grade point average, being enrolled fulltime, and living on campus.   

The TE Liaison Officer is your institutional contact at your Export school.  Your admissions counselor is the contact at the Import school.  

Tuition Exchange Central created a 20-minute generic podcast that answers the general questions asked by families.  Take the time to listen and become more informed.  Listeners are required to register. The information is collected for statistical purposes only. Tuition Exchange Central does not sell or use the information for any other purpose.